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You're here:  Calgary > Transportation > Motorhomes & RVs > IMMACULATE 2011 MONACO 29PBT MONTCLAIR B+ COACH
Price: 74900
Visits: 1227

Date Posted: 7/21/2012 10:55:11 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: kjbowler  
Address: , Predator Ridge, Vernon, BC V1H1H8  
Enjoy HUGE SAVINGS by buying this beautiful 2011 Monaco 29PBT Montclair B+ Coach direct from the owners! With only 11,400 miles, this coach boasts the striking Moonglow exterior with Sweet Escape and Newport cherry interior finish. IMMACULATE condition. LOADED with options worth over $19,000, you will vacation in the famous comfort, style and quality of the Monaco product line. We have set up a full website with all the information you need, including a downloadable .pdf of the 2011 Monaco Montclair''''s glossy specifications brochure. All records from this one-FUSSY-owner coach are available. Check out our website and call us at home (778) 475-3032 or cell (250) 306-6664. Joe and Alanna Petrusich.

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